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Posts posted by bugmeister



     What we do get are house fly after house fly after house fly pictures - but seldom see the close-up side of Bee's Butterfly's, how about an ant? -  look a little closer and you will see the world is full of stuff other than house flys.

    Probably because there are so darned many of them (and lots of different types)


    We do get some extremely detailed pictures of bees, butterflies, wasps etc and even an earwig has featured I think, but there's not as many of them around by comparison.

  2. That's a tricky one. For something like this would it be possible for you to be at the side, rather than behind the family (not knowing the layout makes suggestions a bit difficult for that),


    Equally, the issue of noise may or may not matter depending on the size of print or viewing size. 800iso on most modern cameras shouldn't be a big problem.


    I like the idea of keeping in the background and using a longer lens. The quality won't be quite as good as a prime, but it's much more discrete.

  3. I use a Spyder Pro hardware gizmo to calibrate my monitors but I also have profiles for my printer that I know give good results with particular papers and ink.


    So my process is....


    Check the calibration on the monitor regularly!

    Check the printer profile occasionally and always if I am using a different brand or type of paper or ink.


    Then in PS work on the picture until the screen shows what I want (I normally use sRGB or AdobeRGB for working space).

    Apply the appropriate printer profile to the picture for printing, and it looks odd on screen because the printer and screen are not exactly matched.


    The printout does look like the screen without the profile attached to the picture, so I may save the 'profiled' version as well as the unprofiled.


    If I'm sending for printing by a lab or printer, I tend to download their profiles if available or just send sRGB which normally work quite well.

  4. I think the camera matters more to people who don't take photographs than to those who appreciate the content and take a minute to wonder where, when, how and why it was taken.


    I'm with you on the comments like 'What a big camera, I bet that takes great pictures' GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  5. I currently use a Canon 580EXii for most of my non-macro work with a 430EX as slave if appropriate. The 580 also does multiflash although I seldom use it unless I'm trying to demonstrate it's use at the camera club (e.g. catching water drops)


    For Macro I use a Canon MR14 ring flash, normally with unbalanced tubes (one brighter than the other)

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