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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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Posts posted by geodar

  1. for around £100 (santa is on the way) i would opt for a 70-300mm sigma lens with macro setting (although not true macro, more of a close up lens).

    the  2 pictures were taken with a canon fit lens at around 10-15 feet away.

    the larger image was brought forward in software.

    also on the plus side you get a zoom lens as well.

    hope this helps.






  2. the tele-printer, when it used to rattle along the bottom of the screen.

    bugs- they had computer lessons when I was in high school, never took it myself but they used the old bbc 32k, everyone who took those lessons are now using windows or apple machines, or did. the kids are bright enough to pick up and use any systems they put there hands/minds to these days.


    • Like 1
  3. used to buy 4 every month, about £20 worth. but the following year when I realised that they tend to repeat them selves I stopped. buy the odd one, maybe 2-3 over the year, but use the net for info now.

    mind at the time they helped and taught me a lot as a beginner and I have passed a load on to other beginners.


    ps, re-dave w- there are loads of free downloads for photo mags, some are available in this country but there is a lot from asia & usa, all in English.

  4. know what you mean, mines 14 been at high school for a couple of years, she can bale me out on the laptop every time.

    they have even been told how to hack, could not believe that but no wonder there is bother on certain web sites.


  5. in my instruction manual it says the battery will degrade after repeated use.

    if you just have the two batteries then you will use the same batteries more often.

    I bought some copies from 7 dayshop when I got the camera (around 3-4 years ago) all still going strong but I do alternate their use and charging. I reckon that I can get over 500+ photos out of a charge on the replacement batteries.


  6. what a good response to this topic, for a small member based site the comments have been interesting, ranging from what could be done to do nothing. long standing and new(ish) members have put the point as to why they use tipf.


    my little input-

    over the years, like others I have been a member of larger sites, soon drifted away because, as others have said there were too many people competing against each other, no to little comments on images, some were nasty people, only there to create disharmony and upset some members.


    when I decided that I would like to join a site I had a look round, found this one and after a few visits decided to join, wasn't sure how long I would stay, still don't, but the reason I have stayed so far is because it has a certain pace about it.

    not too fast nor too slow, the people on here will input their points either in comments or photographs, give advice on how to improve or this is the way I would have taken it.

    the images are over all varied, from 100 year images to a fresh garden flower, portraits, scenic, street, macro and various other images are shown and have been commented on.

    points of view and advice wanted/given, suggested sites to help improve and for information offered, encouragement is in abundance from members.

    you don't always find this on the larger sites.


    new blood (all ages) is always welcome, in the few years I have been a member I have seen people return (found new interest in their hobby or updated their equipment) or just new members who have found what they are looking for in a site and like what they see whether it is for photographic use or social use, some watch/read and learn, others show their images regardless in the knowledge that although they may get criticism it is given in a friendly way with suggestions to improve.


    how to get new blood onto the site?

    don't know, companies spend millions per year trying to entice 'new blood' to go to them, if it's not what your looking for you'll not go/shop/use their services.


    I for one think that new members will join over the coming months. years, just like we all did, (we were all new blood when we first joined), once they find what they are looking for.



    • Like 2
  7. like the rest,

    i have been on 200 mile round trips and kept nothing, went five minutes away and kept them all.

    most times i'll get rid of blured shots but i keep them for a good while, even the ones that i don't process or think that they are any good.

    my reasoning behind that is i look at them again in a few months time through fresh eyes and see if i can do anything with them, sometimes it works others i was right not to bother too much with the shots.

    one thing that i have learnt over the years is what i think is a good shot and what i think is not so good others think different, i have sold some that i was quite surprised at when i compare them with other shots from the same batch.


  8. still got a few years to go before I manage that one tina.

    when I have been looking over the last few years they were running around the 3k mark, but no matter how I look at the figures I still think 5k is a bit steep, yes you get a HND qualification at the end if you pass, but it would take a long time to make that money back doing what I do.

    i'll keep looking but not too hopeful.


  9. I have been interested in taking a photography course and every year I have a look through the free booklets that come through the door.

    anyway the latest booklet to arrive has a part time course, hnd level for 2 years, two days a week at only £5000, with no discounts available on this course.

    needless to say I won't be doing that course this year.


  10. yep, needless to say my trips out now are few, may have a day out when i'm on holiday, if the weather holds. costly but don't do holidays abroad now so saved on that, and it is different than staying local all the time, need a change and a slight challenge.


  11. in the good old days, when I was fit and petrol was still under quid per litre I used to travel around. I would look on the road atlas and pick somewhere I had never been before.

    so off I would set, but, (isin't there always a but), I would pass a little country road and turn into it, see where it led and as it was off the beaten track was tempted by the thought as it was in the middle of nowhere then not many people would have photos of the area.

    if there was nothing at the end of it I carried on or turned around and set off again onto my original destination point, or until I came across another little road/track.

    sometimes I came home with a handful of shots, others times a full card.

    the point of this little ramble is go where your eyes take you. you never know what's around the corner. you may be surprised at what you find.



  12. I would head for the lakes, but only if a nice broken cloudy, sunny day. not only views but tourists, old buildings, ruins, insects, boats, rock formations etc.


    have fun and don't forget to carry water and some snacks if you intend to be out for a good while.

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