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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 



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Posts posted by Leon

  1. I did post a bad image purposely, I knew the colour was off that's why I posted it.... 


    I sat for two hours trying to get rid of the yellowy cast.... I thank you all for giving it a go, I thought it was too far gone to rescue.  Ihad thought of the mono version but I saw this as giving up.


    and as for phil..... dreary dull car photo from ME!!!! how dare you.... :p

  2. IMAG0257_zpsnkggq9xz.jpg


    new toy!!!!


    it's very heavy, only just fits in my camera bag whilst on the body, very fast focusing , I LOVE it..... a really good upgrade from the kit lens :) 


    I have 2 portrait jobs this weekend so I'll put it through it's paces... just  shame it's not F2.8 for or a 'L'  but we can't have everything can we?

  3. right... for all the ones between 60 and 96 years old please take a seat as this may cause some shock!!


    the other two reading please remain standing.....


    I think I have come to the conclusion I NEED to learn hoe to EDIT!


    I keep seeing my pictures then other people tweak them (likr the owl I think Phil did?)  then I realize they could be so much more.


    I have photoshop CS2 and thats it, I dont want to shell any more money out for programs yet.. any tips on where to look? 


    does anyone live somewhere near Bolton who could give me a few pointers?


    thanks, Leon..

    • Like 1
  4. with around £150 to spend on a 2nd hand wide to mis zoom lens I dont know what to choose. (needs to be EF-S fitment)


    which would you buy?








    last time I had a Sigma lens I was not too impressed but your opinions please


    cheers, Leon



  5. some time last year when I had my year long press access for Harewood hillclimb I put all my spare prints out on the rear shelf  of my car with a business card in the middle hoping to sell the ones I had leftover, to my surprise I had a call from a young girl, turns out I had a print of her boyfriend that she wanted to purchase, good news.


    that was a year ago, today I receive a text from the same young lady asking me if I will go up to leeds to get shots of a friend who will be racing on his 70th birthday!!  she also wants me to get more shots of her boyfriend while I'm there....


    this year was supposed to be a race free year but being asked to go and to be offered money to go is brilliant!


    to say i'm chuffed is an under statement! :)

    • Like 3
  6. Guilty!

    I checked out the post while at work intending to comment when I got home ... :blushing:  


    You don't need to be taking pics to contribute. Hopefully you'll have a great trip and come back refreshed and raring to go :yes

    I know Phil, I wasn't moaning, just made me think they were not the best shots I had posted.... 


    I'm sat here catching up :)

  7. Hi.


    not really been on for a couple of weeks, had a couple of new friends on facebook from here which is nice :)

    I'v literally not picked my camera up after the Blackpool rally, it's a bit of a niche subject I suppose hence just the one reply from that topic.

    I'm off to the Scottish borders on 26th April to watch the Pirelli rally, i'm going overnight (we've been given a 4 berth Trailer tent) so I'll mix it up with Rally, scenery and hopefully some star trail shots (Kielder id the darkest place in the UK) 


    anyways I may not come on much now but I will keep checking in :)

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