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Posts posted by stevedevil

  1. B&W and Mono is tough, and please bear in mind Im looking on an IPad Pro, not my Calibrated screen.. but lacks the depth of contrast, getting the charcole in the blacks can help define the image, but great detail, good use of Aperture too

  2. I hope you get the chance to get back there, its very old fashioned now to actually take some images, look, reflect then learn from them, 

    Old film days I guess, 

    I have some serious Filters now, so nearly black to look at, but when used on Timed exposures they do come into their own 🙂

  3. For me its the last image, its again dateless

    The first two are great, but the third one with the steam, and no one to give the date away..

    Close use of Contrast, its very deep, possibly a little too much for some

    A nice set 

    • Like 1
  4. I keep looking, then look again, cant quite put my finger on it, then look again…

    So thats enough for me, I’m interested, and keep looking, 

    Composition exactly what I would do, Milk yes again would do that, horizon exactly right.. So keep looking..

    I feel the sky and sea are blending in too much, 

    But Im still looking, very interesting image

    • Like 1
  5. Just has to be in B&W, I love it, the image is dateless, having a good look around on the image, 

    Very nice work, some can be tempted to ramp up contrast on B&W,

    Nice Balance, I would be there everyday 

    Just needs an old Oily worker full of soot 🙂

    Thanks for sharing 

  6. Scenery Fabulous, Time of day in both images a question mark..

    First Image, cant fault the scenery, the Subject ( Donkey or Horse ) the main body could use a fill flash,

    The second image has ( on my screen ) Flared a lot, massive loss of detail, but a crop would sort that…

    When part of the image flares to a loss is a shame, where some filters, or take a few images with differing exposures then the old post processing.. 

    Sorry have to say what I see, 


    • Like 1
  7. I think all the interest is in the Island, and wow what an amazing image to have a play with..

    I’m always tempted to get the “Crisp” image too when shooting, so need a super fast lens, which I’m lucky to have

    BUT definitely save the sky in the image, as its mood is fantastic, could add this to other images when needed..

    Nice Work Young Man..

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