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jeremy rundle

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Posts posted by jeremy rundle

  1. I agree, in fact I banned myself from the "Ugly Hedgehog Forum".


    I made the mistake of saying I was on benefits, I will not say what constant abuse I received from the "pig farmer" and Lighthouse.


    However I too have a right to say "I" am happy now and not be made to feel guilty either ;)

  2. Can I just please ask people to exercise a little more sensitivity when talking about benefits? I know you don't mean to offend, but some of us are on benefits through disability and, in my case, make no apologies for being now reliant on something I paid into for so many years. I do get frustrated here, when there is talk of "getting off benefits - YAY", when for some of us they are a lifeline without which it would not be possible to have an independent life.


    No one is moaning about people on benefits, my son gets DLA, I will still get Carers Allowance, however I have found over the years that too many people on benefits are quick to jump when people like me are happy to come off, NOT because I have any reason to feel a sponger, I am just happy to be going into my OWN business having had a lucky break

  3. Well after being (still am I suppose) a single father of three for 18 years, my youngest son has just re enlisted today back into Plymouth College for his second year of Plastering.


    Today having received the money finally from my dead fathers house, took from the 12th November to this Friday just gone, I called the DSS, Council and more, I am delighted to say I am now back in work, self employed, ok I may fail but for the sake of my sons I will have a B************ good try.



    • Like 2
  4. Three comments on NOT using a Stofen outdoors.







    The comment was of course tongue in cheek (mainly!)


    However THIS is the correct item for outdoor use








    or similar.


    Much of my income is from photography but I don't class myself as a Pro,  too many people do, which is a laugh, oh I earn so I am a pro, well I drive a car that does not make me a racing driver


    I will continue to laugh at photographers who use Stofens outdoors

  5. I laugh when I see so called pros using stofen and similar light modifiers OUTSIDE, when they are 100% only intended for indoor use, what is a PRO these days, any twit with a camera it appears that people are willing to pay


  6. Some are missing the point.


    If I was to take a potential client out for dinner (and I have more than once) who plans on spending a fair sum with me I dont take them to Mac Donalds


    If they ask me to do a shoot that is costing them a lot and I am working on site I don't turn up in a tatty van with a D3100 and a £50 flah


    IMAGE also counts


    I hope NO ONE here would attend a wedding shot in jeans and a T Shirt or rely on one camera body, however again this is not what the thread was about.


    It was about the difficulties we are all now experiencing working with a combination of massive file sizes and high frame rates COMBINED, giving us post processing nightmares.  I never stared by saying what gear was snob appeal, expected or anything else that has been written in by others.

  7. If you go back to the original post, what I posted about was in fact "what do we all do when FPS and Mps get out of hand"


    My comments related not to what I have/had/do but to the never ending race by camera companies to increase sensor sizes MP wise and frame rates to such and extent that post processing will be almost impossible

  8. so in summary you are buying a load of kit that you don't actually need to get the shots you want because you are concerned that the establishment wont take you seriously, if by establishment you mean other togs, they aren't buying your images so who cares what they think, if by establishment you mean the people buying the images they wont care what it was taken on as long as its of the right quality for their requirements. So why are you buying it?


    Let me tell you a story


    many years ago  friend of mine who is still a friend and runs an exceedingly profitable video business told me a story.


    One day he went to a venue to shoot video, most of the other videographers went with the standard shoulder mounted bulk SVHS cameras, they went in through the press entrance no problem.  He arrived with the latest "hand held" camera, and was almost turned away as they thought he was an amateur.


    I probably attend more venues than you have (at a guess), no insult intended, and I can assure you that whilst what you have does not make you a better photographer, what you have does have a bearing on how you are seen and treated by the other press and more importantly the people I deal with who buy my work, MDs of rather large companies.


    I can assure you that I would NOT be treated seriously if I turned up with a D3100, also I am sure no self respecting Director of a company, or Manager would attend a business function in a ten year old Rover


    I also supply mu video shots to a TV company, they and others want to know you are capable of delivering and have the gear TO deliver.


    Why am I buying it, why do people drive around in a Mercedes when they could use a Fiesta, 1. because the can afford to and 2. because it portrays a status. Like it or not.

  9. Skywatcher@tesco.net has a history I am proud of


    I was a long term friend of Patrick Moore (remember him)


    Astronomy, he and I


    We were talking one night about a contact email for his sales (which I managed)


    Astronomy, Patrick Moore "Skywatcher"


    I have been offered £2000 for the name


    However perhaps I will set a new one and keep that for Patrick's sales.

  10. I shoot a lot and I mean a LOT of sports, I shoot at 6fps with a D7000 and 7100, the other week I took 1000 shots in a day, for the first time ever I overflowed on the 7100 cards


    In ten days I collect my D4s and 810 and wonder


    What the hell I am going to use 11 fps for.


    Ok there have been a few occasions when I know I have lost a shot at 6fps, 


    Take Jack Moule here who I shoot at all the P1 shows around the country, our British Jet Ski aquabatic champ





    This is one occasion when a higher frame rate will be appreciated, however I can think of few others, now I know there are such as divers hitting the water and golf swings, but, as many have found this means massive amounts of time in later editing.


    I am now spending more time on the computer than behind the camera and that is not what photography is about to me.


    Now with mirrorless we are being told that 20+ fps is NEEDED and "sold" this as we have been "sold" 46Mp cameras, told that unless we have 30fps and massive Mp we are out of date and unable to take a good shot.


    I am getting my gear because I need it (do I) well yes if I am to stay ahead of the game and compete with other photographers in this game, I can tell you for a fact that if you turn up with amcams such as a D7100 (am cam, thats a laugh, the 7000 range is stunning) you are not taken seriously by the "establishment".  Is it "needed" to take winning shots NO, 100% NO.  People were taking pro shots that still stand out with Nikon F, Spotmatics and so on.


    But as I started the thread I will end, this comment, I now find that it is becoming almost impossible to work through massive file sized and the overload of quantity, and if nothing else it has made me go back to my early days in photography and once again plan shots.  Ok all decent photographers know when to shoot, they instinctively know what is coming next but where as that 1/2 a second on the shutter once gave me 5/6 shots you are  or can now be hammered with 15/20, sheeeeeeeesh


  11. Could not agree more with the above three comments


    Remember I did nothing for 20 years  having raised three sons as a single father, now they are old enough to manage ok, and two come along, I am 57, so I am making the most of it while I can.

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