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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Posts posted by Illusionaryarts

  1. Fuzzy,  you know if my tutor at uni Jim Williams found out I did not have my camera with me all the time he would go ballistic at me. He always said the only good camera is one you have with you all the time. He used to wax lyrical about how some of the most profound moments in history were captured because someone had a camera there with them when they happened and if no cameras had been there we would have no pictorial evidence of their happening. I'm going to start taking mine out with me more. Ironically when feeding the birds, Ive seen giant hares, deer and beautful pheasants. also seen a magnificent pair of red kites and once spotted a Buzzard sitting on a fence by the side of Yarrow reservior in in Rivington... and yes.... had no camera with me.


  2. Korky.... chorley's just up the road from me LOL. I used to go for fish and chips at Browns Chippy but now its got new owners the standard of the fish and chips is not what it used to be. Mustapha, the original owner was a great guy whom I loved to chat to. 30+ years he was there and it was a great chippy then.


  3. wow I'm gobsmacked by the great welcome. I thought I would get shot down posting digital art but it is great to be in aplace where it can be appreciated and accepted. I do take photos too LOL but like to be a bit creative. I'd love to get to know a few of my fellow digital artists on here better and when I am more established, create a dialogue where I can talk to someone with their real name lol. I actually used to admin a forum back in the good old days before Facebook. It was called Photography4all forum and we had a good crew on with good members but back then I was not doing anything like I do now. I actually intended to quit photography as my nack is not getting any better and invested in one of those huge 27 inch cintiq's ( which I have yet to use for more than half an hour)  but decided to stick with photography and just change what I do. I've now started to shoot motorsports and managed to get acreditation with formula 750 to shoot on their race days. I have done 3 so far. I do enjoy it but it doesnt lead to creativity. which is why I love the car shows. I can maybe on odd occasions ask a car owner to move his car to where I can get the best shot, and also try to make contacts. Ive started to put my work onto displate and already managed to sell a few- though they dont pay much. I also privately sold a print of a beautiful old motorbike to its owner who loved it and actually commissioned me to transform the tarmac of krispy creme car park into the tarmac of route 66. its now on his wall.

    I'm open to all suggestions from fellow digital/or not so digital artists on here as I am always willing to learn. my motto lately is " where ever you aim for is where you should go"

  4. Ola everyone

    I'm Kenny, I'm originally from Bolton ( but don't hold that against me lol) and I am a long time photographer. I've shot with every camera you can name and shot film, medium format and even pinhole. I did a degree at Bolton Uni on photography and have done NVQ's at college too. I've basically been shooting since I was fourteen years old and originally a film guy shooting landscapes. had a major car accident in 1992 and fractured my spine badly( drunk driver wrote my car off with me in it)  and then cos I couldn't walk, sold the gear and gave up shooting for about eight  years.Then when I came back to photography it was portrait and studio work- had another two car accidents- this time major nerve damage down my left side and to my neck which meant I stopped shooting for a while again. I forced myself back into it because I love photography but these days I am more of a digital artist and edit and create art for other people ( wish I could make money out of it )  and shoot occasionally when I can. I love cosplay, creative photography, fine art, motorsports, motorbike and car photography. I totally love anything old, automotive and American.

    hope to post a few images in the next few days and already posted a couple. hope you like. If you feel you can give constructive CC then I am always grateful of it.Anyone who says they know it all and can never learn from their peers is either dead or an idiot.

    thanks again


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