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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Thank  you

Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 



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Posts posted by WereBo

  1. Hi folks, just to let you know I'm still alive and biting <sodemoji.1f609></sodemoji.1f609>

    Following several more pals and chums falling off their perch and/or kicking the bucket, plus my own bout of illness that ended up with a week's stay in hospital, I'm now making up for lost time with my camera....

    I swapped the 18mm-55mm kit lens plus the 40mm macro for a new 85mm macro with vibration reduction ('tis absolutely wonderful!), the 18-55 lens had that stoooopid hooj button that had to be pressed to unlock the lens (PITB) and the 40mm macro was hopeless without a tripod and not much better with one...

    So, I'll be posting photos in the various threads as I get time, I'm getting ready for a local(ish) air-display this weekend (Headcorn Battle of Britain Display), plus a new small 'Photo Appreciation & Learning Society' (PALS),. a 'split-off' group from my photo-club following some internal politics ending up in a slanging-match - Fortunately that went off while I was in hospital otherwise I might well have lost my temper with 'em....

    Other than that I'm feeling quite hale and hearty, if not quite bright-eyed and fluffy-tailed so I'm hoping to be here regularly now


    • Like 2
  2. On 05/02/2019 at 21:34, Clicker said:

    Jeez ....Life without Football !!:419_soccer: or Rugby:421_football: ...or cricket !:433_cricket: 


    Sounds idyllic Clicker


    Meanwhile, back to the topic:-


    Just a few miles downriver from me is the site of the old Woolwich Arsenal, built centuries ago and the origin of the 'Arsenal' football team, nicknamed 'The Gunners'.  This was taken waaaay back in 2013, whilst meandering around the site. 

    I don't know why it's been fenced in, I suspect it was going through 'one of them phases' and threatening to run over visitors toes, if they tried to climb on it..... 





    • Like 3
  3. Thank you Clicker and you're right, I've 45 years of great memories with him and his 'family' (He never made friends, he created a family).  (Un)Luckily, most of the photos aren't fit for public consumption laugh1.gif.6e9ad8a6248c0dc5fec66862c21f1b6b.gif - What made it worse is that the rest of the 'family has either moved to t'other corners of the country, or joined him.

    Still, we're now on our way to warmer days (supposedly), so I'll be out more with my camera yaaayyyy! :27_sunglasses:


    • Like 1
  4. It was a year+2 days ago that my closest friend passed away, after 45+ years, there's still a huge hole in my life and Christmas just isn't the same now.....

    RIP Dave......

    (Taken October 2014)



    I've no kids and no family left, so I don't bother with Christmas - Winter-Solstice is another matter though :8_laughing:

    • Like 1
  5. At least your year ended on a good note, a very happy New Year to you too Leon :91_thumbsup:

    My longest and closest friendship of 45ish years ended when my pal died on 28th December 2016, so the first few months of 2017 weren't too good.  It's not too bad an ending though, I've now changed photo-clubs and joined the Beckenham Photographic Society, it's a lot busier with competitions and trips out than the South London branch, but mostly a lot less snobbery and cliquey :14_relaxed:



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  6. I've got vague memories of that freeze, the best one being my primary-school (convent) teacher phoning my mum to come and take me home for not wearing the proper school uniform!  Mum had decided it was too cold to send any kid to school in shorts, so she brutally and horribly forced me to wear my jeans instead.  When the school phoned her, she went to see the nuns and tore them a new one for being so ridiculous to exclude a pupil for not wearing short trousers, in snow almost up to my knee-knobs.

    Happy memories..... :4_joy:

  7. I couldn't immediately find the 2 climbers, but I did find a group of folks admiring the view, just below 1 of the peaks - I've bookmarked it for further exploration, I don't mind exploring mountain-ranges from my warm toasty chair :lol:

    • Like 1
  8. Wow! That's a magnificent pano, especially the amount of available detail to zoom into - Did anyone notice the construction work, further left?  I bet they had fun getting that hunking great crane up there :lol:

  9. 3 hours ago, CanonChrissy said:

    I have an image for 'Mother Nature' however, it is the cruel  (but natural) side of nature and not sure if people may be offended by it. It depicts a bird stealing another birds chic for food. Would anyone prefer i didn't post this, as I do have a 'back up' image. 

    Nature's nature whether we like it or not CC, it won't bother me ;)

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