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Just picked up a Top Tip that somehow has escaped me - so I thought I'd share it.


If you have Photoshop you will know the power of ACR (thats Adobe Camera RAW and the bit that opens your RAW files) and how much fine control can be had using it.

If you shoot or have a JPEG file then you might have thought you were stuck with the main body of Photoshop to do your editing.


Nope - Try this.....


Open a JPEG: File - Open

Create a New Layer: Layer - New - Layer Via Copy

Convert it to a Smart Object: Filter - Convert For Smart Filters


Do it this way to preserve your original and allow blending etc.


Now: Filter - Camera Raw Filter


This will open your (JPEG) image in ACR and give you pretty much exactly the same controls you'd expect from a RAW file. You even get WB correcting with both the sliders and the dropper tool along with chromatic aberration correction. I have no idea how this escaped me and to be fair I use Lightroom to process my files but this might be useful and I hope help someone here.




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Unfortunately, this won't work for me. I don't have ACR as a filter in CS6, but I DO have it as an option in Bridge ... so I'd open the JPEG from Photoshop via Bridge then click the ACR button there, do any necessary processing and find myself back in Photoshop when I'd done.

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Open a RAW file, within ACR open the preferences dialogue box, from there you can control the Jpeg and TIFF file handling preference, select 'Automatically open all supported Jpegs'. Now when a Jpeg is right clicked and 'Open in Photoshop' is selected, it will automatically open in ACR.

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Unfortunately, this won't work for me. I don't have ACR as a filter in CS6, but I DO have it as an option in Bridge ... so I'd open the JPEG from Photoshop via Bridge then click the ACR button there, do any necessary processing and find myself back in Photoshop when I'd done.


There is a way around this - go to:


Photoshop - Preferences - Camera RAW - then change the JPEG settings to: Automatically open all supported JPEG's


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Open a RAW file, within ACR open the preferences dialogue box, from there you can control the Jpeg and TIFF file handling preference, select 'Automatically open all supported Jpegs'. Now when a Jpeg is right clicked and 'Open in Photoshop' is selected, it will automatically open in ACR.


There is a way around this - go to:


Photoshop - Preferences - Camera RAW - then change the JPEG settings to: Automatically open all supported JPEG's




Thanks guys - that worked! I right-clicked a 'loose' JPEG, selected "Open with" CS6 and it opened straight into ACR :)


BP, would it also work from iPhoto if I made CS6 my external editor (currently it's Elements)?

Edited by ChrisLumix
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Update - yes when you select Photoshop as your editor in the iPhoto preferences then hit EDIT it transfers the file and Photoshop does boot up ACR.


Brilliant! iPhoto is ok for basic edits, and it's good for organisation, but the way it handles external editors is rubbish. So good to know I can at least use ACR with it :)

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