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School photo


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my lad had his school photo done the other week, I scanned it in to put it on facebook for people to see, then we lost the original so I copied it on to usb then took it to ASDA to be reprinted...


... they had me wait an hour then showed me the print and said I can not have it... NO exif data as it was a scan... am I right to be annoyed or are they right? 


I would not mind but the picture is not as good as I could of done!!


opinions please... has anyone ever done School photo's?

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Hurrah for Asda, sorry Leon but obviously that image carried copy-write info of the company who shot the school pictures and Asda are just doing what many would hope for - protecting the Artist from others printing the picture.


How would we all feel if we sold one print to have it reproduced by Asda, etc then sold on - and on?

Edited by colinb
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Yes, my daughter-in-law wanted a copy of our little granddaughter and because it was done by a photographer and because we had shown it to the manager in Jessops he couldn't do it, but if we had stuck it in the copier without his knowledge then we could have done one ourselves.


We went to another photography shop who discreetly nipped out the back and made a copy, when she knew the reason why.

Our little granddaughter had died a few months before and my daughter-in-law wanted to give her mum a framed print of Beth for her 60th Birthday.

That girl showed compassion at the risk of her own job.


Edited by NannyFerret
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I do a lot of photography for the local Scouts for which I had to agree to an enhanced CRB check. It came back as clean as I knew it should but even after this there are just 2 parents who do not wish me to take their off springs picture, this is not a problem if get them in the frame its easy to edit out later....What a performance eh ?

Edited by JHFoto
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sorry Leon Asda are correct the photographer owns the copyright and you should get copies from him, he has a living to make and how pleased would you be if I copied one of your shots printed it out and used it for what ever I wanted to use it for?

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Another well done to Asda, I can't tell you the number of arguments I had with people wanting to copy professional photographs when I was at Jessops but I never did and never would.

A photographer is in business to make a living, that needs to be protected in just the same way as any other profession and I wish it was in some way clearer or accepted (Leon I'm not taking a shot at you) as the vast majority of the general public either don't understand or when its explained to them, refuse to understand.


On a couple of occasions the actual photographer was in the store when someone stood there and blatantly lied saying they had permission to copy the (his in a couple of cases and her's in one) image.

I will treasure those moments to the day I die.

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Another well done to Asda, I can't tell you the number of arguments I had with people wanting to copy professional photographs when I was at Jessops but I never did and never would.

Good for you. I was horrified when I joined a photo club and one of the committee asked if I wanted a "free" copy of Photoshop, yes I would have loved to save hundreds of pounds but if we all took that attitude there would be no such software. I explained the error of his ways to him and it made not a whit of difference.


I make just a few pounds from photography (far less than I have spent on it) but I know several pro' togs well and they all to a man say how hard it has become to make a living from it. One of them says there are two types of professional photographers "Liars and bankrupts" but actually there are basically three, the "Liars and bankrupts" and those running courses for the average Joe; done well that seems to make a decent living.

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I have to agree.

Our Jessops manager at the time said that he could lose his job if he had copied the pic, which would have been a shame as he was always very helpful when I went into the shop.

It was exceptional circumstances that the pic copied for my daughter-in-law and she didn't feel up to ordering one from the photographer  and also it wouldn't have arrived in time..

I have always been pleased with the photographs that my kids had done at school and also with the ones that my grandchildren had taken at school, but they are these days getting very expensive for the parents to buy.

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I thought that would be the reply, to be honest I did not argue just accepted what she said and carried on... if I'd have known we lost ours before hand I would have ordered a new one, or taken a new one myself... the thing that annoyed me was her showing me the print then ripping it up in front of me, after waiting the hour....  and like I said the picture was nothing special to begin with,they had cropped the top of his hair off!!


I do like the honesty on here and I am not the type to take offence.

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I've been pondering on this, and I wonder if the same rule applies as with music CDs.

You can make a personal copy to back up, play in your ipod or similar, but you can't copy and give to other people or too sell.


Actually, technically you can't. But it's a grey area, so grey that AFAIK no-one has ever been prosecuted for ripping their own CDs to their own device(s).

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