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Advice Please

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In a few weeks time I want to get another point & shoot,so I dont have to worry about lugging my 1100D about. I am stuck between two cameras,the fuji xf1 or canon sx510,I have had a look at some reviews and pros & cons for both but not really sure,any help. Thanks

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I agree, of the two the Fuji reads better for sure, but be careful where you buy from, the price of the Fuji seems to range massively depending on where you look, whereas the canon seems to have a pretty stable price wherever you look.

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the above is the one I have, if I'm honest I was a little disappointed with it after a few weeks of using it, peobably due to the fact I have a DSLR, ecen an entry level such as my 1100D had far better IQ than a compact, I personally given the choice would go back to a bridge such as the FZ45 I had...

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The Fuji XF1 is simply gorgeous and an absolute joy to use. The lens is bright, sharp as a tack and backed up with one of the best sensors on the market.

I wanted one when they lsunched (in red or brown) and would still have one now given the opportunity.

Thanks again folks,I am going to get the XF1

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If he said you can have it for now't then have it  :D


It isn't a pocket camera so you might as well take your DSLR, the sensor is bloody awful with far too many pixels and while the lens has a great focal range it isn't exactly bright so it will struggle in low light - where you're Canon with its big sensor wouldn't.


The thing with a small, good compact is it goes everywhere with you and cis capable of producing very good results.

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someone I know gave his HS20 away when he picked up a 550D, said he wwas happy to loose the focal length for image quality.....


I think if you are progressing UP to a bridge they are a big step up, but going backwards to one you will notice a big difference?  depending on what YOU use it for of course... if you get offered one for free then take it, you can't loose then can you :)

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someone I know gave his HS20 away when he picked up a 550D, said he wwas happy to loose the focal length for image quality.....


I think if you are progressing UP to a bridge they are a big step up, but going backwards to one you will notice a big difference?  depending on what YOU use it for of course... if you get offered one for free then take it, you can't loose then can you :)


You could lose though ;)


(Pedant, me? Wouldn't dream of it... :lol: )

Edited by ChrisLumix
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If he said you can have it for now't then have it  :D


It isn't a pocket camera so you might as well take your DSLR, the sensor is bloody awful with far too many pixels and while the lens has a great focal range it isn't exactly bright so it will struggle in low light - where you're Canon with its big sensor wouldn't.


The thing with a small, good compact is it goes everywhere with you and cis capable of producing very good results. Thanks for that,I tried the camera today and don`t like it at all,so as I ve got the money,getting the xf1 and looking forward to it.

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