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Baby Bump


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hows this for a downer, but chuffed at the same time, while I was at the house Chris my friend was very interested in what I was doing, he asked about my test shots, why the Black background ect ect.......then after I left they had a play with thier own point and shoot, the result was pretty impressive.....


think I'll go back to modifying cars and running a car forum for a hobby!!!!  :wallbash:   :shock:  :cry:



well her top is over exposed which it is not in your sample, she is obviously more relaxed with her partner so close by. For me the main thing about their picture is the camera height - you seem to be shooting slightly uphill.

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well her top is over exposed which it is not in your sample, she is obviously more relaxed with her partner so close by. For me the main thing about their picture is the camera height - you seem to be shooting slightly uphill.

I agree, If I'd of seen the room before the day of the pictures I'd of asked them to move the bed out of the way ect.


I'm not going to complain because I'm really please with the results, but imagine you had NO idea about photography  (facebook readers ect) then their picture was posted, you'd like it!

they had loads of positive replies, I'm glad I really am, the ones I took were for their own personal collection, to look back on in years to come, NOT to be posted on social media.

so overall I am still really pleased, on other forums a few were saying they would run a mile put in this position, especially as it was my first time doing a portrait of a "customer"


thanks again for all the replies :)

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The general public sees the picture, photographers see the technicalities, probably we get to the stage where we can't see the wood for the trees?

I couldn't agree more. I've had a number of pictures that I thought were not worth keeping but the 'customer' really liked because the pictures were their memories and those bits of annoying background really didn't matter to them (as an example).


We do tend to get caught up in the search for the best possible shot which isn't necessarily the one our customer likes the best.


p.s. I still like the original :)

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 a few were saying they would run a mile put in this position, especially as it was my first time doing a portrait of a "customer"



and I would be one of those :yes


here is a reminder I keep of my 2nd time - 1st time was an outdoor shoot for a friends daughter that went superbly well, this girls mother saw the pictures and ask if I could do a shoot of her daughter before she went to her last 'prom'.


I hated every picture I shot - wrong set-up wrong lighting this is one of the better ones. :hope:


BUT DON'T GIVE UP - it doesn't have to be a business you can just enjoy taking photos.



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