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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



Please note  there is an important notice to read regarding the future of this site ... see link below :-


Thank  you

Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


sad story


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That is sad, but so good of the man who tried to save him. There are some good people around.

There was a man who ran a sewing machine repair shop not too far from us had a letter from the VAT people, and he either read the amount that he owed wrong or the VAT people had made a mistake in the printing.

He thought it was a lot more than the proper amount of £2000 and committed suicide because he couldn't cope with the worry of not being able to pay it.

.It's so sad when things get to this point for some people, isn't it?

Edited by NannyFerret
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deputy coroner Alan Walsh declared an open verdict, saying he could not see how this would drive him to take his own life.

I can - being in debt for many hard working honest people, even for a small sum like £1,600, can be a very worrying thing - probably even more so when you have a young family. I fear we shall hear more of this kind of thing, mainly due to easy 'payday' loan companies and horrific interest rates.

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very sad for his family who will be left behind always wondering if they could have done something different and stopped him doing that

also very sad for your friend who will have to live with the fact that he couldnt save him


as for the guy that did it,i feel for him but he is out of it now and has left the mess for someone else to deal with.

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