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Maximum and minimum shutter speeds

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Do forgive me for being pedantic, but then - you know that's what I am!

It's just that I was enjoying reading about the new Sony SLT a99 II on the dpreview website (https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sony-slt-a99-ii/2) where they give the Minimum shutter speed as 30 seconds, and the Maximum shutter speed as 1/8000 second.

Ok, I know you will now shout at me in unison "That's the industry standard!!", but don't you think - to the average English speaker - that's the wrong way round? Maximum (as in length of time and amount of exposure) should be 30 seconds, and Minimum (as in length of time and amount of exposure) should be 1/8000 second?

Just sayin'.... :sofa: 

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On 4 February 2017 at 14:05, Rick448 said:

Pretty subjective. Most people would say the maximum speed of a car is how fast it will go. Therefore using that analogy the fastest shutter speed is the maximum. Just my thoughts...

Well I see your logic, but I'd disagree - the point of a car is not to go as slow as you can (unless you're my mum :D ) but to get where you're going as fast as you can, therefore I'd agree with the 'maximum speed' analogy. However photography isn't about shooting the fastest shutter speed - it's as equally valid to shoot the longest speed if that's the effect you want, or to get the exposure you need, so the analogy breaks down (hopefully, unlike the car... or the camera, come to that...)

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